Shedding Season

When the temperature goes from hot to cold, and cold to hot. Some of the clients will never experience the shed, so try to catch it before it happens.

Fall shed: Lashes will look thinner, softer, and shorter. Only stages 1 and 1 1/2 are present.

Spring shed: lashes hanging and will grow off. While taking notes, pay attention to how your clients regular lash growth is. You can also tell what her NL are by looking at the filler lengths from the previous fill.

This is the time to change the lash curl type. To lift up the lashes, giving them the illusion that they will never know. Clients who have thyroid problems shed faster and every month. So you must create a look for them every other lash fill by learning their life shed cycles.

Fall shed: lashes fall off. Fuzzy
Start changing your map, catch the shed before it sheds. By lifting and changing the lash curl.
Shed with blunt thick straight lashes, stiff and has not matured to the curl.
Spring shed: Lashes sprouting out too fast and growing off.